
1. Israel - United-States Educational Foundation, Fulbright Fellow (1974-9)

2. The 1988 Israel Chemical Society Medal Award for the Outstanding Young Chemist for the year 1987 (1988)

3. Lise Meitner-Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (1995)

4. The A. D. Bergman Prize, Given by The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Israel (1997)

5. The Israel Chemical Society Prize for  the year 2000 (2001)

6. The Kolthoff Prize for the year 2000/2001 (2001)

7. Elected member of the Scientific Board of WATOC (2002)

8. Elected Fellow of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science);
("for distinguished contributions to the  field of valence bond theory, contributing new ideas and thought-provoking models that have helped to rechart the mental map of chemistry") (2003) (Certificate - PDF)

9. Selected, by the University of Köln, as the Kurt-Alder Lecturer (for "ground-breaking in theoretical and computational chemistry, aiming at the understanding of chemical and biochemical reactivity, in particular with respect to the revolutionary concept of multistate reactivity in organometallic chemistry and catalysis") (2004)

10. The University of Minnesota Lectureship (selected by the graduate student committee) (2004 Fall)

11. Selected by the University of Georgia, Athens, as The Charles Coulson Lecturer (2005)

12. The Christmas Lecture at the University of Heidelberg (Winter 2006)

13. Selected a few times by the students as one of the best University teachers (Ben Gurion and Hebrew University) (1980-92)

14. Selected by the students as one of the best University teachers (Hebrew University) (1995)

15. Visiting Professorships and Lectureships (invitations for series of lectures on VB theory of Reactivity, etc) in: Universite de Paris-Sud, Queen's University (Canada), Technical University of Berlin, University of Lund, University of Gotebotg, University of Padova, University of Rochester, University of Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, University of Alabama in Huntsville, The State Key Laboratory in Xiamen University (China), The Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, The University of Basel (The Kahlbaum Lectures), The Univeristy of Basel (The Troisieme Cycle Lecturer), The Universities of Fribourg, Berne and Geneve (The Troisieme Cycle Lecturer of the French Speaking Swiss Universities), The Universities of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilins-Universitat), Würtzburg and Essen. The Universities of Vienna, Graz, and Innsbruck (The Austrian Chemical Society Lectureship), Visiting Professor in The Ecole Normal Superieur in Paris, The Kurt-Alder Lectureship at the University of Cologne. The Charles Coulson Lectureship at the University of Georgia Athens. The University of Minnesota Lectureship (selected by the graduate student committee) (1984-2004)

16. Israel Chemical Society Citation (2000)

17. C&E News Citation (2001)

18. Kolthoff Prize

19. The Coulson Lecture (2005)

20. The Kurt Alder Lecture (2004)

21. The Schrödinger medal (2007) (ACS announcement)  (Angewandte Chemie Announcement) DOI

22. Awarded a World Class University (WCU) Project, as a member of an international team to form a center for Bioinspired Chemistry” (with: W. Nam, J. Valentine, K. Karlin, S. Fukuzumi) in Ewha Women University in Seoul (2009-2010).

23. Selected as the Leonard N. Owen Lecturer at the Imperial College – London (2010, June).

24. Selected as the 1st Lecturer for the International Lectureship Series for Computational Science: SCILS- The University of Cape Town (2010, August).

25. Awarded, by the board of directors of the Max Planck Institute in Mulheim, with the “Frontiers in Bioinorganic Chemistry Lectureship” (2012, Spring).

26. Appeared in the list of Chemists with the H index higher than 50.(2007-2011). Updated on April 15, 2010.

27. The Rector Research Prize of the Hebrew University (2010, 5 March).

28. Awarded by the German Chemical Society (GDCh) the “August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann-Dekmünze (Medal)” to be awarded in the 4th EuCheMS in Prague (August 26-30, 2012).

29. Incumbent of the Saerree K. and Louis P. Fiedler Chair in Chemistry (2013).

30. Selected as a Scrocco Colloquia Lecturer in Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2013).

31. Nominated and selected to be included in “175 faces in Chemistry” (the Royal Society of Chemistry) (2013).

32. The Lu Jiaxi Lectureship Award in The State Key Laboratory, University of Xiamen, Xiamen, China (2013, December).

33. Elected member of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (2015 June).

34. The Gold Medal of the Israel Chemical Society (2017 February).

35. Awarded The Stratingh Lectureship in the Department of Chemistry, The university of Groningen, The Netherland (2018).

36. Extension of the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award (2018-2019).

37. Chosen as The Platinum Jubilee Lecturer by the CSIR - Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) Hyderabad (2019 February).

38. An honorary Lectureship in the International Conference on Advanced Chemical and Structural Biology in Chennai (2019 February).

39. The SOLVAY Colloquium Lectureship, The Solvay Institute, Brussels, Belgium (2019 October).

40. The Van't Hoff Speaker, The PAC Symposium, Leiden, The Netherland (2020 March).

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