A Short Biography of S. Shaik (S.S. Shaik) (PDF)

Sason Shaik is a quantum chemist interested in the development of new concepts and paradigms. He is a graduate of the University of Washington where he obtained his Ph.D. with N.D. Epiotis. After a post Doctoral year in Cornell with R. Hoffmann, he has accepted in 1980 a position of Lecturer at Ben-Gurion university of the Negev, and became Professor in 1988. In 1992 he moved to The Hebrew University where he is Professor and the Director of the Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry. He has been a Fulbright fellow (74-79), received the Israel Chemical Society Award for Outstanding Young Researcher (87), the Bergman Prize (95), and the Lise Meitner-Alexander von Humboldt Senior Award (96-99), The Israel Chemical Society Prize (2001), and The Kolthoff Prize (2001). He was elected AAAS Fellow in 2004, and received the Schrodinger Medal of WATOC in 2007. He has appeared in the ISI list of the 1000 most cited chemists during 1981-1997 and in the list of Chemists of highest H-index. He had quite a few named lectureships (Kahlbaum, Kurt Alder, Charles Coulson, the Christmas Lecture, etc) and many invited series of lectures in numerous places. His fields of interest are chemical reactivity and bonding, where he has developed a general Valence Bond model for reactivity and derived new concepts for chemical bonding. His most current interest are in bond activation by metal oxides and enzymes like cytochrome P-450, HRP, NOS, CPO, etc, where he has developed the concepts of two-state-reactivity and chameleon enzymes.    

S. Shaik
"Autobiography of Sason Shaik"
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112 (50), 12724-12736. DOI

E-mail: sason.shaik@gmail.com, Phone (w): +(972)-2-6585909, Fax (w): +(972)-2-6584680, Office: Alberman bldg., Room 64